
14 November 2020

Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality

First Work & Social Protection Meeting

The Assembly met online on 14 November. This meeting focused on the following topic from the Oireachtas resolution:‘To identify and dismantle economic and salary norms that result in gender inequalities, and reassess the economic value placed on work traditionally held by women and ‘To scrutinise the structural pay inequalities that result in women being disproportionately represented in low pay sectors’ 

This topic was covered over 2 meetings with the second meeting on this topic taking place on 5 December. The Agenda for this meeting can be viewed here.

Saturday’s Proceedings

Please note that the information in the presentations and papers and its interpretation is based on the specialist expertise of the speakers who are independent of the Assembly and its Chair and Secretariat. 

Members give feedback from breakout rooms

Each breakout group nominated a member to give feedback from their discussion.

A transcript of the session is available here and a video can be viewed below:

Morning Session

Dr Catherine Day opened the morning session and members viewed a short video about low-paid workers.

Dr Helen Russell, ESRI

Dr Helen Russell presented to the Assembly in two parts.

Dr Helen Russell first delivered a presentation on Gender and Paid Work, which was accompanied by a slideshow presentation.

Dr Helen Russell followed up on her introductory presentation with a presentation on the Gender Pay Gap: Causes and Solutions. Her video presentation, below, was accompanied by a more detailed slideshow presentation.

After Members watched Dr Helen Russell’s presentation, there was a Q&A with Helen Russell, Frances McGinnity and Karina Doorly of the ESRI. A video can be viewed below.

Dr. Pauline Cullen – Work – Citizens’ Assembly

Dr. Pauline Cullen presented on the Work Submissions received by the Citizens’ Assembly.  Her video presentation, below, was accompanied by a slideshow presentation. To download the contents of the summary table on Work, click here.

Advocacy panel: Work & Pay

A paper was submitted by each speaker and can be accessed by clicking on their name.

A vide of the session is viewable below.

Advocacy: Small Firms Association

Elizabeth Bowen delivered a perspective from the Small Firms Association, which was accompanied by a paper.

Lived Experience

A video of this discussion can be viewed below, while papers submitted by each speaker can be accessed by clicking on their name.

  • Avril Hannifin – An Cosán
  • Suzy Byrne – National Advocacy service for people with disabilities
  • Mariaam Bhatti – Campaigner, community worker & social policy practitioner
  • Moderated by Tom Arnold – Chairperson of the Irish Constitutional Convention.

Afternoon Session

Dr Catherine Day introduced the afternoon session. Her remarks can be viewed below.

Professor Damian Grimshaw

The Members watched a video and slideshow presentation by Professor Grimshaw.

The Chair introduced the afternoon discussion session, then members moved into their breakout groups.

Dr Alicja Bobek, Trinity College

Citizens took a break from their discussions to watch Dr Alicja Bobek present on her research on Experiences of Working in Low Pay Sectors, which was accompanied by a more detailed slideshow presentation.

As well as the previous videos citizens had also watched the following videos to prepare for their discussion

Economic benefits of gender equality: Labour market activity and equal pay – European Institute for Gender Equality

Perspectives of Health Care Assistants – SIPTU

Gender equality women and men with equal opportunities to work and develop – Business Europe

Politicians supporting WorkEqual 2020 – Work Equal

Citizens also received a summary paper prepared by the Secretariat.

After their discussions, members returned for a plenary session where Dr Catherine Day concluded the first Work meeting

The Chair’s closing remarks can be viewed below.

Additional questions responded to by speakers.

Click below to view additional questions responded to by speakers.

Questions to speakers

Below are responses provided by speakers to members questions.