Submissions to the Citizens' Assembly on Gender Equality
Citizens' Assembly on
Gender Equality
Public Consultation
A public call for submissions opened on 29 January 2020 with a closing date of 6 March 2020. Respondents had the option of responding to a structured online questionnaire or alternatively submitting a response by email or by post using their own preferred style and structure.
The final question in the questionnaire asked respondents ‘In which area do you think gender inequality matters most?’ See below the overall results1 of the question. Individual responses to this question are published with submissions below.
The above chart is based on the 109 respondents that answered this question
Submissions Received
The Assembly launched a public call for submissions and 246 published responses were received. The submissions are published below. Submissions will be taken into consideration in the development of the agenda for Assembly weekends and as part of the Citizens’ deliberations. As well as being available online to all members of the Assembly and interested parties, an independent researcher, Dr. Pauline Cullen of Maynooth University, was engaged to analyse and summarise the submissions. During the meetings, she will gave a summary of the views expressed in the submissions on the topics being addressed during that particular weekend.
We have been guided by GDPR principles in publishing the submissions below. In cases where an individual has made a submission containing details of their personal experience and requested that their identity be protected, we have published the submission under ‘Name with Secretariat’. The questionnaire provided an option to request anonymous publication for those under 18. We do not have the ability to validate the age of the submitter, so this has been taken at face value. We also reserved the right to redact potentially defamatory, inappropriate or explicit content and personal information. Generally, where individuals have submitted more than one response, we have published all contributions under one number.
Submissions on this site are published for information purposes only and publication is not an endorsement by the Assembly or its Secretariat of any views or assertions of fact expressed therein. The numbers assigned to each submission are in order of receipt.