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Citizens’ Assembly to complete deliberations on the topic of Work

By December 4, 2020February 3rd, 2023No Comments

The Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality (the Assembly) will meet remotely tomorrow (Saturday December 05) to discuss the topic of work. This will be the second meeting for the 100 members of the Assembly to examine this topic.

The agenda for tomorrow’s meeting (full agenda set out below) looks at areas such as work, social protection, tax and family friendly supports. The 100 members are meeting remotely and will receive video presentations, hold private roundtable discussions and publicly present feedback on their deliberations. Among the presentations to the citizens to assist in their deliberations and discussions tomorrow are:

  • Dr Mary Murphy from Maynooth University on Work and Social Protection.
  • Dr Eoin O’Malley from DCU on Making public policy, making policy work.
  • Dr Adele Whelan from the ESRI on The Gender Gap in Retirement Incomes.
  • Personal stories
  • Advocacy group panel discussion

The presentations to the Assembly, as well as feedback summary from the deliberations by the members, will be made available during the day on . Due to the remote nature of this meeting the usual live streaming of sessions will not take place, but broadcasts of the public sessions will be made available on the website shortly after they have concluded.

Chairperson of the Assembly, Dr Catherine Day said: “This is our second meeting on the topic of ‘work’ and I am looking forward to lively discussions on these issues on Saturday. Having already examined areas such as the gender pay gap, low pay, occupational segregation, and career advancement, we will now look at issues such as social protection and pension issues, paid parental leave schemes and gender related poverty.”

Notes to Editor:

Agenda – 05 December – ‘Work’ Meeting 2


10:00                    Welcome & opening address                                    Catherine Day, Chair

10.05                    Icebreaker video

Session publicly available with time delay (video available at approx. 10.45am)

10.10                    Q & A with Dr. Mary Murphy & Dr. Adele Whelan

Session publicly available with time delay (video available at approx. 11.15 am)

10.30                    Breakout room discussion

           Pause in discussion for new video: Personal stories

12:00                    Lunch Break

13.30                    Welcome to afternoon session                                 Catherine Day

Remarks publicly available with time delay (video available at approx 14.15 pm)

  • 35 Breakout group discussions

Pause in discussion for new video: Living in Poverty in Ireland: A Gender perspective Dr. Tricia Keithly, SVP

15.20                    Concluding remarks                                                      Catherine Day

Remarks publicly available with time delay (video available at approx 16.00 pm)

15.30                    Ends                                                                                                              

Breakout room feedback video

This will be recorded immediately after the meeting and tweeted out as soon as it is available.


Text from resolution

  • identify and dismantle economic and salary norms that result in gender inequalities, and reassess the economic value placed on work traditionally held by women;
  • scrutinise the structural pay inequalities that result in women being disproportionately represented in low pay sectors;

Saturday 5 December

Social protection, pensions, activation, working hours, family friendly working arrangements, recognition of caring responsibilities, gender inequalities in tax system

To recap we covered the following topics on Saturday 14 November:

Work, gender pay gap, low pay, minimum wage, living wage, occupational segregation, promotions and career advancement

Videos & presentations

1. Work and social protection

Dr. Mary Murphy, Maynooth University

2. Making public policy, making policy work

(Information shot video)

Dr. Eoin O’Malley, DCU

3. Focussed Policy Assessment: Paid Parents’ Leave Scheme

Christopher Ryan, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

4. The Gender Gap in Retirement Incomes 

Dr. Adele Whelan, ESRI

5. Advocacy panel

  • Bríd O’Brien INOU
  • Laura Bambrick, ICTU
  • Sandra McCullagh, NWCI
  • Moderator: Sandra Healy

 To be played on the day

6. Personal stories     

  •                Finian Murphy
  •                Mary Walsh
  •                Kathy Cunningham
  •                Moderator: Tom Arnold

7. Living in Poverty in Ireland: a Gender perspective

Dr Tricia Keilthy, St. Vincent de Paul

 About the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality:

The Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality (the Assembly) was established by a resolution of the Oireachtas.

Membership of the Assembly consists of 100 people entitled to vote at a referendum, including the Chairperson, Dr. Catherine Day. Further details on the Citizens’ Assembly website.

The Citizens’ Assembly can also be found on Twitter @CitizAssembly and on YouTube: The Citizens’ Assembly

 Media Contact:

Páraic Gallagher, Q4PR

+353 86 7749 300