
Dublin Citizens’ Assembly:

Meeting #2

May 21-21 2022

9.15 a.m.  Introduction by the Chairman, Jim Gavin – objectives for the weekend


Saturday 21 May 2022

Session 1 9.30 am

The Dublin Experience

9.30 a.m.  Dr. Philip Byrne, Director of the Local Government Division at the Institute of Public Administration. Dublin-specific challenges – geographical remit, capital city, relationship to central government. [presentation]

9.45 a.m.  Laura Shannon, Institute of Public Administration and Editor, Local Authority Times. The current role of the Council Mayors.


10 a.m.  Roundtable discussion (private session)

10.45 a.m.  Q & A with Ms. Laura Shannon and Dr. Philip Byrne

11 a.m.  Coffee

Saturday 21 May 2022

Session 1 (continued)

The Dublin Experience

11.15 a.m.  Presentations by Mayors of the 4 Dublin Local Authorities



11.35 a.m.  Roundtable discussion (private session)

12.05 p.m.  Q&A with the Mayors of the 4 Dublin Local Authorities

12.45 p.m.  Lunch

Saturday 21 May 2022

Session 2 1.45 pm

The International Experience

1.45 p.m.  Dr. Diarmuid Scully, Academic Adviser to the Limerick Implementation Advisory Group and former Mayor of Limerick. How do other city regions do it? A broad comparative overview.


2 p.m.  Dr. Seán Ó’Riordáin, Public Management Consultant.

Models of mayor:

– Manchester (Super-region and local authority as the primary unit);

– Paris (Region and arrondissement as primary unit, permanent Citizens’ Assembly);

– Boston (Mayor as City Chief Executive and City Council as the city’s legislative body);

– Helsinki(Intermediate government system with a divided administrative management).

2.20 p.m.  Roundtable discussions (private session)

2.50 p.m.  Q&A with Dr. Seán Ó’Riordáin

3.15 p.m.  Coffee

3.30 p.m.  Presentations from:

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Mr. Andy Burnham;

The Vice-Mayor of Paris, Ms. Anouch Toranian;

Former member of Boston City Council, author, Mr. Larry DiCara

4 p.m.  Panel discussion & Q&A with the international guest presenters

4.45 p.m.       Roundtable discussions (private session)

5.15 p.m.   Conclusion by Chairman

End of Saturday proceedings.

Sunday 22 May 2022

Plenary Session

Expert Advisory Group

9.30 a.m.  EAG response to questions from Weekend 1

10 a.m.  Plenary feedback session from yesterday’s roundtable discussions


11 a.m.  Coffee

11.15 a.m.  Dr. Seán Ó’Riordáin, Public Management Consultant.

High-level options for the type of directly-elected Mayor and local government structures


11.35 a.m.  Q&A session with Dr. Seán Ó’Riordáin


12 p.m.  Roundtable discussion (private session)

12.40 p.m.  Completion of evaluation surveys

12.50 p.m.  Summary & Conclusions by Chairman

12.45 p.m.  Lunch