Previous Assemblies

Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality 2020-2021

Further information about the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality can be found by clicking here.

Citizens’ Assembly 2016-2018

The Citizens’ Assembly 2016-2018 considered the following matters:

  • The Eighth amendment of the Constitution
  • How we best respond to the challenges and opportunities of an aging population
  • Fixed term parliaments
  • The manner in which referenda are held
  • How the state can make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change

Further information is available by clicking here.

The Convention on the Constitution 2013-2014

Establishment of the Convention on the Constitution was approved by Resolution of both Houses of the Oireachtas in July 2012. The Convention’s membership comprised 66 randomly-selected citizens, 33 politicians from both Houses of the Oireachtas and the Northern Ireland Assembly and an independent chair.

To read more about the Convention on the Constitution, please click here.