About the Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use

Citizens' Assembly on
Drugs Use
In early 2023, the Oireachtas agreed to set up a Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use, and asked it to consider the legislative, policy and operational changes Ireland could make to significantly reduce the harmful impacts of illicit drugs on individuals, families, communities and wider Irish society. The Assembly met on six occasions between April and October 2023, submitted its report to the Oireachtas in December 2023 and published its report in January 2024.
The Assembly was made up of 100 people, including 99 members of the general public and the independent Chairperson. The 99 members of the general public were selected at random in accordance with most recent census data.
The report of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use contains 36 recommendations, which are currently being considered by the Oireachtas Committee on Drugs Use, and by the Government.
Oireachtas Debates
In February 2023, both Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann debated the establishment of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use before passing Resolutions.
Watch the debate in Dail Éireann (on Oireachtas TV)
Scroll forward to 02:22:20 for the Motion on Citizens’ Assemblies
Read the transcript of the debate in Dáil Éireann.
Watch the debate in Seanad Éireann (on Oireachtas TV).
Scroll forward to 03:58:04 to watch the Motion on Citizen’s Assemblies
Read the transcript of the debate in Seanad Éireann.