Citizens' Assembly on
Gender Equality
3-5 July: Online Seminar
Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality
Online Seminar: Â 3- 5Â July 2020
The Assembly’s final weekend meeting was due to take place on 3-5 July but, like previous meetings in March, April and May, had to be postponed. An online seminar for citizens was held on Saturday 4th July to provide them with an opportunity to reconnect with each other, and to give initial consideration to the public submissions and how Covid 19 has impacted on their mandate.
The public submissions are available here.
Video presentations and slides from that seminar are available below.
Dr Pauline Cullen, Maynooth University
Introduction to submissions
Dr. Mary Murphy, Maynooth University
Gender Impacts of Covid-19 – Takeaways
Dr. Lisa Wilson, The Nevin Economic Research Institute
The Forgotten Children