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Citizens’ Assembly to meet on the topic Article 41 of the Constitution

By February 12, 2021February 3rd, 2023No Comments

The Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality (the Assembly) will meet online tomorrow (Saturday February 13) to discuss the topic of ‘Article 41 of the Constitution’ including Article 41.2, the ‘women in the home’ clause and the family. The aim will be to progress agreement on a ballot paper on these topics which the citizens will vote on at the end of the process (planned for April.)

The agenda for tomorrow’s meeting is set out below.

Due to the online nature of this meeting live streaming of sessions will not take place, but broadcasts of the public sessions will be made available on the website shortly after they have concluded.

Chairperson of the Assembly, Dr Catherine Day said: “I am really pleased that despite the current COVID-19 pandemic the Citizens’ Assembly has continued its work online and we are now moving in to the final phase which is preparation for voting. Gender inequality impacts all across our society and this has become even more apparent during the pandemic.  I look forward to working with our dedicated members to develop a comprehensive set of recommendations to the Oireachtas to advance Gender Equality in Ireland.

Citizens Assembly meeting: 13 February

Article 41 of the Constitution

The precirculated videos will be made available on the Citizens’ Assembly website at 9.30 am on 13 February

Pre-circulated videos

  1. Dr. Tom Hickey, DCU, ‘ The Irish Constitution’
  2. Dr. Laura Cahillane, UL, ‘Article 41.2’

   Also review of videos from February 2020 meeting:

  1. Professor Siobhan Mullally, NUIG, ‘The Family in the Constitution and the Law’ (slightly shortened version of original presentation)
  1. Dr. Tom Hickey, DCU, ‘Article 41- the Constitution & Family’
  2. Lived experience

Members also received 2 videos from Catherine Day, the Chairperson in advance of the meeting outlining the approach to this and future meetings entitled ‘Pathway to Future Recommendations’ & ‘February meeting- the Irish Constitution.’

Media programme

The focus of the day will be on agreeing a draft ballot paper for voting in April. In light of this, most of the day will be spent in private discussions amongst the members. The Chair will record a feedback video after the meeting which will be made publicly available afterwards.

10 am                    Welcome & opening remarks                            Chair

Icebreaker Zoom poll

Available online at 10.30 am.


Private sessions

10.15 am  Breakout group discussion               

Article 41.2

      10.55 am   Return to plenary                                         

Zoom poll

     11.05 am    Breakout room discussion                           

Article 41.2

     11.50 am    Plenary session                                            

Questions & answers

    12.15                Lunch                                  

    13.15                      Plenary session                                    

 Discussion of draft ballot paper

   13.35            Zoom poll                                                                                            

    13.45            Breakout group discussion               

The Family 

     14.35                      Plenary                                                                       

                                    Discussion of draft ballot paper         

       15.25                     Zoom polls


      15.35                      Closing remarks                                             Chair

Available online at 16.15 pm

       15.45                     Ends

Feedback video from Chair to be recorded and made available as soon as possible after the meeting


Media Contact:

Jack O’Donnell

087 660 7593

 Notes to Editor:

  About the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality:

The Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality (the Assembly) was established by a resolution of the Oireachtas.

99 citizens were randomly selected to participate in the Assembly chaired by, Dr. Catherine Day. Further details on the Citizens’ Assembly website.

The Citizens’ Assembly can also be found on Twitter @CitizAssembly and on YouTube: The Citizens’ Assembly