2016-2018 Citizens' Assembly - How we best respond to the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population

Citizens' Assembly
Submissions on how we best respond to the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population
The submissions process on how we best respond to the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population is now closed.
All information relating to submissions on ‘How we best respond to the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population‘ can be found by navigating to the drop-down list below. Please note this information has been migrated from a legacy website, so the order and layout may differ from its original display. Please be advised all text is the original published information.
Rules and Procedures
The following rules apply in respect of submissions received by the Assembly:
- The Assembly welcomes submissions from Irish citizens and non-citizens living in Ireland or living abroad.
- All submissions received will be published on the website and displayed with a full name (first name, surname)/name of organisation, if appropriate.
- Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. Submissions made with just a first name listed will not be published. Equally, submissions received with an initial and surname (e.g. J Smyth) will not be published. Exception: Submissions received with a series of initials that are commonly recognised as being a name (i.e. JP, PJ, AP) and a surname can be published.Â
- In the case of personal stories and sensitive submissions, all personal data and related identifiable details will be removed or redacted if requested.
- Each submission received either on our website or by post, will be treated as an individual submission and include any or all signatures to that submission. If, for example, a submission is received with twenty signatures it will be treated as one submission. If the same submission is received twenty times, each signed individually, they will be treated as twenty submissions.
- The Citizens’ Assembly reserves the right not to accept a submission if it is deemed offensive or inappropriate.
- In accordance with the Assembly’s agreed rules and procedures, following receipt of submissions on any matter, the Assembly may choose to hear oral presentations from any representative group or individual to assist in its deliberations.
Summary of Submissions
The Secretariat has created this summary to outline some of the key issues and some possible solutions identified by individuals, non-government organisations, and professionals on the second topic the Citizens’ Assembly considered how we best respond to the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population.
This summary covers many of the areas highlighted from the submissions process; however it is worth visiting the Citizens’ Assembly submissions section to view submissions in full.
Where possible a reference number is provided to allow the Members to consider the relevant submissions in more detail.
Table of Published Submissions
Submissions were accepted from 3 April 2017 to 19 May 2017.
Approximately 129 submissions were received, of which 124 were received online and 5 were received by post.
Of these, 122 have been published to the Citizens’ Assembly’s website. In total 7 were not published. Of those originally received and not published the reasons were as follows:
- 1 Online submission was withdrawn by author.
- 3 Online submissions were resubmitted by the authors.
- 2 Postal submissions were not signed and assumed anonymous.
- 1 Postal submission was not relevant to the topic.
You can find all the information relating to submissions in the table displayed below.