
2016-2018 Citizens' Assembly - How the State can make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change

The manner in which referenda are held

The submissions process on The Manner in which referenda are held is now closed. The submissions process for the fourth topic considered by the Citizens’ Assembly
was open from 13 November to 22 December 2017.

In total, the Assembly received 213 submissions. The full breakdown of these submissions is provided in the menu below.

All information relating to submissions on ‘The Manner in which referenda are held can be found by navigating to the drop-down list below on this page. Please note that this information has been migrated from a legacy website, so the order and layout may differ from its original display. Please be advised all text displayed is the original published information.

Summary of Submissions

This Signpost Document aims to identify the key issues/topics/themes which presented in the submissions. The full text of the 206 published submissions is available to read here. The Assembly Secretariat has grouped them into broad thematic areas and has attempted to present a selection of the perspectives which were received.

View the Signpost Document. 

Published Submissions

In total, the Assembly received 213 submissions. Full details on the breakdown of these submissions are provided below.

Of the 212 submissions received, 209 were received online and 4 were received by post. Of these, 206 have been published on the Assembly’s website. In total 7 were not published. Of those submissions received and not published the reasons were as follows:

  • 4 submissions were not relevant to the topic;
  •  1 submission was a duplicate;*
  •  2 submissions were anonymous**

(*Where a submission in exactly similar terms was made more than once by the same individual this was only published once. In many cases, this happened because the individual made the same submissions in multiple formats, i.e. by post, on line and by email)

(** Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. Submissions made with just a first name listed will not be published.)