
Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss

Meeting #5

26 -27 November 2022

Programme for meeting #5

Saturday 9.00 a.m.   Introduction by the Chairperson, Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin

Session 1

Saturday 26 November 2022 9.05 a.m.

Industry and Biodiversity

9:05 a.m.       Prof. Jenny McElwaine, TCD. What is the value of Biodiversity?

9:10 a.m.        Lucy Gaffney – Platform Development Manager, Business for Biodiversity. What is industry doing and how can they engage with biodiversity?

9:25 a.m.       Voices from Industry

  • Stephen Nolan, Managing Director, UNDP Financial Services for Sustainability
  • Deirdre Ryan, Director of Origin Green, Bord Bia
  • Shane Dineen, Environment and Planning Manager, Fáilte Ireland
  • Ian Talbot, Chief Executive, Chambers Ireland

9:45 am       Roundtable discussions

10:05am      Q&A

Session 2

Saturday 26 November 2022

Biodiversity in the Education system

10:25 a.m.   Codie Preston, Irish Schools Sustainability Network

10:45 a.m.   Q&A

Session 3

Saturday 26 November 2022 Time 11 a.m.

Guest Speaker

11 a.m.          Dame Dr Jane Goodall

11:15 a.m.       Coffee

Session 3

Saturday 26 November 2022 11.30 a.m.

Draft recommendations and ballot papers

11:30 a.m.      Chairperson, Dr. Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin. Draft recommendations and ballot papers – the process.

11.35 a.m.    Roundtable discussions on draft recommendations on which there is broad agreement

12.35 p.m.      Lunch

1.35 p.m.     Plenary session on draft recommendations on which there is broad agreement


2.35 p.m.      Roundtable Discussion – Ballot Papers 1A & 1B and 2A & 2B (Agriculture, Freshwater, Marine/Coastal)

3.35 p.m.       Coffee

3.50 p.m.     Plenary session – Ballot Papers 1A & 1B and 2A & 2B (Agriculture, Freshwater, Marine/Coastal)

4.50 p.m.    Roundtable discussion – Ballot Papers 3 – 6 (Peatlands, Protected sites and species, Forestry, Invasive species, Funding, Urban landscape, Community)

5.50 p.m.     Voting on Ballot papers 1A & 1B and 2A & 2B (Agriculture, Freshwater, Marine/Coastal)

6 p.m.           Conclusion of day’s proceedings

Session 1

Sunday 27 November 2022 9.00 a.m.

Ballot preparation (continued)

9 a.m.                  Roundtable Discussion – Doc B (cont’d)

9.30 a.m.           Plenary session – Doc A (to conclude) and Doc B

11 a.m.                Roundtable Discussion – Doc C (Miscellaneous questions with multiple alternative options)

11.30 a.m.             Coffee & Voting on Doc B

11.50 a.m.           Plenary session – Doc C

12.20 p.m.            Completion of evaluation forms

12.30 p.m.            Voting on Doc C

12.45 noon        The Last Word – Voices of the Assembly

1.30 p.m.            Announcement of Results