
Citizens' Assembly on
Gender Equality
Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality
First Meeting of the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality
15-16 February 2020
The Assembly met for the first time on 15-16 February 2020. This weekend included an introduction to the main issues around gender, gender norms and stereotypes, and the family.
Please note that the information in the presentations and papers and its interpretation is based on the specialist expertise of the speakers who are independent of the Assembly and its Chair and Secretariat.
Agenda for first meeting of the Citizens’ Assembly on how to advance gender equality.
Saturday’s 15 February Proceedings
Facilitators gave feedback from the tables
A video of this feedback is available below and you can read the video transcript.
Session 1 – Gender in Ireland – some key facts
Elaine O’Mahoney (Central Statistics Office) – “Gender in Ireland – some key facts”
Elaine O’Mahoney’s presentation was based on this CSO publication and was accompanied by a slideshow presentation. Ms O’Mahoney’s presentation to the Assembly can be watched back below.
Session 2 – Recent gender equality developments & possible further actions
Dr. Anne-Marie McGauran, Research Associate, Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies, Trinity College Dublin – “Recentdevelopments on gender equality in laws and policy in Ireland”
Dr. Anne-Marie McGauran’s delivery of her paper Recent developments on gender equality in laws and policy in Ireland was accompanied by a slideshow presentation. Dr. Anne-Marie McGauran’s presentation to the Assembly can be watched back below.
Session 3 – Gender and stereotyping
Lived experience:
- Lisa O’Brien – Quantity Surveyor
- Oliver Allan – Emergency Department Nurse
- Deirdre O’Neill – Former Teacher and Researcher
The lived experience presentations can be watched back below.
Professor Sheila Greene, Fellow Emeritus, Psychology Trinity College Dublin – “Gender Norms and Stereotypes”
Professor Sheila Greene’s delivery of her paper ‘Gender Norms and Stereotypes‘ was accompanied by a slideshow presentation. Professor Sheila Greene’s presentation can be watched back here.
Sunday’s 16 February Proceedings
Facilitators gave feedback from the tables
A transcript of this feedback is available here and a video is viewable below.
Session 1 – Evolution of Irish family
Professor Linda Connolly, Social Sciences Institute, NUI Maynooth – “Evolution of Irish family”
Professor Linda Connolly delivered a slideshow presentation & her presentation can be watched back below.
Session 2 – The family in the constitution and law
Professor Siobhan Mullally, Director Irish Centre of Human Rights, NUIG – “The family in the constitution and law”
Professor Siobhan Mullally delivered a slideshow presentation & her presentation can be watched back below.
Lived Experience
Adele O’Connor – Mother
Paula Fagan – CEO LGBT Ireland
Dave Saunders – Father
The lived experience presentations can be watched back below.
The videos shown at the weekend meeting, as outlined in the Agenda, are below.