
5 December 2020

Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality

Second Work & Social Protection Meeting

The Assembly met online on 5 December. This meeting focused on the following topic from the Oireachtas resolution: ‘To identify and dismantle economic and salary norms that result in gender inequalities, and reassess the economic value placed on work traditionally held by women and ‘To scrutinise the structural pay inequalities that result in women being disproportionately represented in low pay sectors’ 

[The topic of Work and Social Protection was covered on 14 November and 5 December. Click here for more information on the 14 November meeting.]  

The Agenda for this meeting can be viewed here.

Saturday’s Proceedings

Please note that the information in the presentations and papers and its interpretation is based on the specialist expertise of the speakers who are independent of the Assembly and its Chair and Secretariat. 

Members give feedback from breakout rooms. Each breakout group nominated a member to give feedback from their discussion.

A transcript is available here and a video can be viewed below.

Morning Session

Dr Catherine Day opened the morning session. Her opening remarks can be viewed below.

Lived Experience

A video of this discussion where speakers shared their personal experiences can be viewed below.

A paper has been submitted by each speaker and can be accessed by clicking on their name.


Dr Mary Murphy and Dr Adele Whelan answered questions posed by Assembly members during a Q&A session. The video can be watched below.

Dr Adele Whelan, ESRI

Dr Adele Whelan delivers her presentation on Gender Gap in Retirement Incomes, which was accompanied by a slideshow presentation. Dr Whelan also provided a paper on ESRI Research, Gender, Pensions and Income in Retirement, accompanied by an infographic.

Dr Mary Murphy, Maynooth University

Dr Mary Murphy delivers her presentation on Work and Social Protection, which was accompanied by a slideshow presentation. Dr Murphy also provided papers on Making activation work for Women, A Women’s model for social welfare reform, The Future of the Irish Social Welfare System: Participation and Protection (NESC) and Pensions: What Women want.

The Economist – The benefits of paternity leave

Members heard a short video from The Economist on the benefits of paternity leave, video can be viewed here.

Advocacy panel: Work & Pay

A video of this discussion can be viewed below.

A paper has been submitted by each speaker and can be accessed by clicking on their name.

Dr Eoin O’Malley, Dublin City University

Dr Eoin O’Malley delivers his presentation on Making Public Policy, Making Policy Work, which was accompanied by a slideshow presentation.

Christopher Ryan, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Christopher Ryan delivers his presentation on Focused Policy Assessment: Paid Parents’ Leave Scheme, which was accompanied by a slideshow presentation & paper.

Afternoon Session

Dr Catherine Day introduced the afternoon session. Her remarks can be viewed below.

The citizens then moved into their breakout groups.

Advocacy: St Vincent de Paul

Dr Tricia Keilthy delivers a perspective from St Vincent de Paul, which was accompanied by a slideshow presentation.

After their discussions, members returned for a plenary session where Dr Catherine Day concluded the Second Work meeting.

The Chair’s closing remarks can be viewed below.

Citizens also received a summary paper prepared by the Secretariat.

Additional questions for speakers

Additional questions for speakers

Below are responses provided by speakers to members questions.