Dublin Citizens' Assembly
Dublin Citizens’ Assembly:
Meeting #1
April 30th – May 1st 2022
Saturday 30 April 2022
9.25 a.m.   Introduction by the Chairman, Jim Gavin. Introductory Remarks [Speech]
Session 1
Saturday 30 April 2022. 9.40 a.m.
What is Dublin?
Dr. Ruth McManus, Historian Geographer, DCU. Dublin: a Geography [Presentation]
Roddy Doyle, author. Dublin is a Sound
Q&A with Dr. Ruth McManus and Mr. Roddy Doyle
Roundtable discussion (private session)
Session 2
Saturday 30 April 2022. 11.50 a.m.
Local Government in Dublin
Dr. Aodh Quinlivan, UCC. Broad introduction and overview of the current arrangements (How did we get here?)
Prof. Deiric Ó Broin, DCU  [Presentation]
12.15pm Roundtable discussion (private session)
1 p.m. Lunch
Plenary Session
Saturday 30 April 2022, 2.15 p.m
Feedback from the morning sessions
2.15 p.m. Plenary feedback from the morning sessions
Session 3
Saturday 30 April 2022, 2.45 p.m
The role of local government
Dr. Brid Quinn, UL. The main strands of local government activity [Presentation]
Roundtable discussion (private session)
3.45 p.m. Coffee
Session 4
Saturday 30 April 2022, 4 p.m
Governance and Finance
 Dr. BrÃd Quinn, UL. Who governs and how is power distributed? [Presentation]
Prof. Deiric Ó Broin, DCU. Funding & Finance – who pays, and how? [Presentation]
Q & A
Roundtable discussion (private session)
5.15 p.m. Conclusion by Chairman Jim Gavin
Session 1
Sunday 01 May 2022 9.30 a.m.
What do the Dublin Local Authorities do?
9.30 a.m. Short Film:Â Voxpop of people living in the four Dublin local authority areas: “What do the Dublin Local Authorities do?”
9.44 a.m. Brief Summary of previous day’s proceedings
Prof. Deiric O’Broin, Dr. BrÃd Quin, Dr. Aodh Quinlivan
10.00 a.m. Feedback from previous day’s roundtable discussions
Session 2
Sunday 01 May 2022, 10.30 am
Panel Discussion with CEOs of Dublin’s four local authorities
Chief Executives of the 4 Dublin Local Authorities (4 x 5 minute opening statements, 40 mins Q&A)
11.30 a.m. Coffee
Session 2
Sunday 01 May 2022, 11.55 am
Why a directly-elected mayor?
Dr. Aodh Quinlivan, UCC. General challenges, risks, benefits and opportunities. [Presentation]
Roundtable discussion (private session)
1 p.m. Summary and Conclusions by Chairman
End of weekend proceedings